NUNCHAKU: Collections of my Nunchaku

Friday, July 28, 2006

Collections of my Nunchaku

As Nunchaku was a banned weapon in singapore so.. it is not sold in any of the martial arts shops. Why nunchaku was banned in singapore man? Why those Wu Shu weapon like sword ..etc not consider danger? Heard from my dad that during their time where bruce lee was very famous most of the gangsters uses nunchaku to fight during a gang fight. Hmm.. i tho gangsters uses parang? Aiya nvm.. But nunchaku is so compact that i usually kept it in my bag when im out as self defend especially when i will be back home late. Kk.. i starts introducing to my nunchaku..

1) Wooden Nunchaku

This was my first chuck b4 i had a DIY chuck that i made myself. This was brought from my tkd friend, Jin Hua who himselves is from china. And got this chuck from china cost about S$20. I uses white tape to taped ard parts of the chunk as wooden chunk is very slipperly especially to ppl like me who has sweaty palm so it makes it
easier for me to play tricks on chunk.

2) Attachable Metal Nunchaku

This was brought from my best buddy, Jonathan. He got this from a website, "who lives near you" and went all the way to Ang Mo Kio to get it for me. *touch* But time had changed now...*sad* =( Haha kidding la.. So you can see the pic from the right that both end can attached
together. Quite stylo ar.. =)

3) Extendable Nunchaku

I brought this @ Malaysia, Miar, is at their one only shopping centre at their state there. It cost me abt S$60.. i know is a bit ex la.. It is able to extend from 15cm to 35cm and was given a pouch. Is very compact so this is the chunk that i usually brought it out with me =) This is also
the chunk that i used in my video, "My first basic free style"

4) Foam Nunchaku (New)

This is my new foam nunchaku which i brought it @ ebay which took 1 and half month to arrive to sg. Cost abt $30+ ...The nunchaku on the right is exactly the same which i had but the colour is white instead of black. Cool ya?


Blogger Beastick said...

Hi, my name is Estereos. I also have nunchaku blog, let's exchange links in blog lists. And by the way, hard wooden practicing nunchaku if it is oiled but not painted are not slippery at all. See my collection at

2:06 AM  
Blogger banglacow said...

Hi there

Would there be a nunchuk association in singapore

where do you practice?

From singapore..

You still compete in tkd?


12:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Any problems with customs when bringing them into spore?

1:25 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Can import to sg? Will it be confiscated or need a licence to bring in?

6:53 AM  

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